Course Details

Strafford County Board of REALTORS - 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges

Online ZOOM Meeting

1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges

Instructor: Lynne Bagby, CES®; Division Manager, New England, Asset Preservation, Inc., a national 1031 Qualified Intermediary

Description: This 3-hour continuing education class provides a broad overview of IRC Section 1031 for tax deferral on investment “real property” (real estate) The course will discuss the role of the qualified intermediary in a 1031 exchange, the different types of 1031 exchange formats, important exchange timelines, federal & state capital gain taxation, qualifying like-kind property and an assortment of other topics that are related to the use of this tax code.

The presentation will show examples of the math equations involved, case studies and examples to illustrate how this tax code works (and sometimes doesn’t) for investment real estate owners and why real estate agents and commercial brokers should know more about “1031 exchanges’ to be able to better assist their clients who are or might be eligible.


Instructor Lynne Bagby, CES

New England Division Manager of Asset Preservation, Inc.

Earned & maintains Certified Exchange Specialist (CES®) designation awarded by the Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA)

API is a leading national qualified intermediary (QI) and has facilitated well over 200,000+ exchanges

23 years of experience with 1031 exchanges

Published articles in real estate trade/business journals in New England regarding 1031 exchanges

Numerous appearances on real estate/business radio shows, podcasts & online “lives” to discuss the value of IRC Section 1031 for tax deferral CE Instructor for several New England states.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 1-4pm

Sponsored by Movement Mortgage

E2773 Approved in NH 3 CEUS


FREE to Strafford County Board of Realtors ONLY
$45 invoiced to non-members

Cost: FREE
Sponsored by Movement Mortgage FREE to Strafford County Board of Realtors ONLY $45 invoiced to non-members
Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024

$45 invoiced to non-members of Strafford County Board of REALTORS

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 1-4pm

Open for 40 students

E2733 Approved for 3NH CEUS

Sponsored by Movement Mortgage


Maximum registration 40

Start Date has Passed
NH Real Estate
3 CEUs
Sponsored by Movement Mortgage
FREE to Strafford County Board of Realtors ONLY
$45 invoiced to non-members